Self-Directed Way of the Cross Around the property there are now set up 14 stations for walking the Way of the Cross. They begin in our garden and go down into the Green Chapel and then come back to the Memorial Garden. The printed materials are in a bucket behind the office (facing the fountain), and there are also digital options suggested on Rev’d Jane’s blog ( This is available to all sunrise to sunset. Experience the full journey of Holy Week by walking the way of the cross.
Palm Sunday, 4/14: Holy Eucharist, 8am & 9:30am; Church School & Youth discussion 9:30am
Maundy Thursday, 4/18: Agape Meal & Eucharist, 6:30pm, followed by stripping of the alter.
Good Friday, 4/19: Good Friday Solemn Liturgy (with Choir) at 7:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday, 4/21: Ecumenical Sunrise Service in the Green Chapel at 6:15 a.m. Easter celebrations at Grace Church at 8:00 & 9:30 a.m. Photos of Children at Cross and Easter Egg hunt follow 9:30 a.m. service. Church School Schedule: All children will join in procession and remain with their families for the entire service.